mandag den 24. august 2015

So long Canada

This morning we left smoky Naramata and headed for Vancouver. All our stuff was now neatly packed in backpacks and daypacks because soon we're "back on the road". The car was returned to Alamo after more than 3000 miles of driving across British Columbia and Alberta.

David met us down town, we had lunch and told about all of our travel experiences while we enjoyed the busy harbour. Then we headed for Pacific Central Station, waited a bit, boarded our train and slowly made our way towards the US border.

Second border crossing on this trip done on board a train although the US could learn a bit about how to do a better show. The Chinese are way more entertaining.

The train trip was beautiful though. The track on the very shore so lots of opportunities to enjoy the sea and the sun set reflecting in it. And of course lots of Danish candy and Weekendavisen to make time pass by.

We arrived on time in Seattle, got our luggage, boarded the Light Rail and got picked up by Malenes host mom Jana from - well, 1994.

Packing the car and leaving Naramata

Bye bye to our car "Den sorte luntebjørn"
Lunch with Dave - and all our bags
View from lunch place

Time to board the train
Yes, we did see and smell the smoke from Washington State in Canada 

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